...a blog about nature, life and cooking spiced up with pictures...

Friday 11 May 2012

To care or not to care? That is the question

Is it only me or are there other people who think that our society is inevitably heading towards what's morally wrong, stupid and idiotic? Why do human beings assume they are superior to other creatures? I am a part of this world myself but at least I'm trying to make a difference. We trash our planet every day, leaving thousands of rubbish on the streets. If you think that recycling is the ultimate solution then you're dead wrong. Look at the facts. We are a society deprived of any morality, of any sense what's right and wrong. We compulsively buy stuff. Lipsticks, new nail varnishes, new computers, sofas, chemically unstable detergents and the list goes on. There is this trend on YouTube where girls (or even grown-up women) show recently purchased products from MAC or other fancy brands. There are thousands of them out there. Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing anyone in particular. What I'm saying is, there should be an end to all this. This is just unrighteous. I am a woman myself and believe me, I really do like nail varnishes myself. But there is a limit. A certain sacred boundary we should've never crossed in the first place. I try to look on the big picture. I'm aware that we, as humans, are narcissistic, vain and egocentric. New shoes, new clothes... do we really have to take part in this vicious circle meticulously prepared by the greatest, and most evil, economic minds in the history of our civilization? No. You don't really need ANOTHER pair of shoes or new earrings. You can either buy USED ones, or you can simply invest in the future of your children and their children and their children by simply... getting involved. 

That's all I wanted to say in this post :)

I also strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read further about how we're destroying our planet. That's the website anyway: http://www.storyofstuff.org/

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Stay in shape... doing nothing

I'm pretty sure nearly every girl knows all about dieting and the ups and downs of trying to stick to a particular diet. My story with dieting started, I suppose, at an average age of 15 when the possibility of developing another love handle was something I was not able to cope with. That's when it all started. In fact, it was actually a pretty short journey as it ended just after two weeks. But hey, those two weeks were incredibly devastating to my body, mood but above all to my health. As with many things in life, only recently have I come to a conclusion that it is really not that big a deal to be a bit chubby. Going on a diet starts in our minds, not in our appearance. But I'm sure you've heard that one as well :) Anyway, these are my tips I want to share with you that are super-easy to follow and extremely simple. It worked for me, it will work for you too.

  • sprinkle some brown or gold linseed (flax seed) to virtually any dish you can possibly imagine (fruit parfais, porridge, baked chicken with some veggies, on top of cottage cheese, add it to your smoothies) - your tummy will be very grateful to you, I can assure you of that :)
  • choose raw organic vegetables instead of healthy snack bars, but
  • always pick snack bars that are coated either in maple syrup, honey or brown sugar - this is a rule you always have to stick to!
  • drink only herbal teas and still water,
  • if you have a sudden urge to eat something sweet - grab a bar of at least 70% dark chocolate and eat only a small amount at a time,
  • try to avoid sweetening your coffee or tea with sugar, it's better to use honey instead
  • treat bread as a sweet-food (example being if you ate a toast for a breakfast do not eat it during lunch again)
  • walk to town, walk to shopping centre and carry all the bags with you - a workout you'll never forget :) 
  • eat nuts, dried cranberries, wheatbarn and whatever else you fancy,
  • don't eat the same thing twice daily (I really easily get bored with food. I'd rather eat half a portion of my dinner and then eat some fruits or drink a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice with yoghurt)
Other than that, enjoy your life to the core and allow yourself from time to time for some unhealthy foods too. It's all about balance!

Monday 7 May 2012

I guess this is my first post on this particular blog. It's not as if I hadn't tried blogging before. Quite the contrary. However, for some reason I never seemed to enjoy it too much. Now, after life-changing experiences I've been through, I think I have more to say than ever before. I also dare to say that this time my blog will be well taken care of and I'm willing to put as much effort as required to make this a pleasant chit-chat place for people with similar interests. The bottom line is, I want to share with you my favourite recipes, gardening tips, recently read books and many more.

I instantly associate Ireland with vast beaches, endless sea shores and picturesque places. It's certainly a wild island but it surely has a lot to offer. Here are some pictures I took along my journeys:

 Hello world! :)